
Client Relations Administrator

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Sara graduated from Abilene Christian University with a degree in broadcast journalism in 2001. She worked in local television as a news producer for nearly 10 years in Abilene and Midland, Tx., as well as here in Charleston.

In 2008, Sara opted for a more normal day-to-day work schedule and joined the Internal Technology Department at Blackbaud as the Executive Administrative Assistant. She worked for the Daniel Island company for eight years and was responsible for the daily operations of the IT budget, managing software licensing, providing administrative support to the CIO and coordinating various team activities.

During this time, Sara and her husband, Justin, felt God calling their family to step away from the daily grind of the office and pursue an opportunity to live in Guatemala as independent missionaries. In October 2016, Sara and Justin, their son, Brooks and daughter, Carly, moved to Panajachel on Lake Atitlan. Sara and Justin primarily mentored 16 students in a remote village called Santa Cruz, teaching English and leading a Bible study. Just as God called this family to serve in Guatemala, Sara and Justin also felt God lead them to return to Charleston, SC, in June of 2018.

Shortly after returning, Sara accepted a position working as the Children’s Minister at her home church, First Baptist Church, in downtown Charleston where she directed the preschool and elementary programs. Sara continues to serve the church in this role part-time.

When Sara is not managing the daily life of an office, she is shuffling her 10 and 12-year-old children to soccer, basketball, hip-hop dance and various other activities. She enjoys just about anything outdoors, including visiting the beach, riding bikes and going for a jog.

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